Knoticat to sail again in 2025

No doubt all of our followers, and supporters will be pleased to know that we plan to ensure that we maximise our sailing days on Knoticat during the 2025 sailing season. After some very challenging weather during 2024 and a limited number of volunteers available to assist our sailing programme, we are hoping that 2025 will see Knoticat take to the waves on a more regular basis.

As I write this towards the end of January 2025, Richard our Chairman is sailing around the Eastern Caribbean getting his dose of winter sunshine, in readiness for the season ahead. Paul one of our volunteers is keeping a close eye on Knoticat in his absence to ensure that she is safe on her mooring during this very wet and windy period. And I have been given the task of gearing up our website news and our social media channels for posting lots of content as the year progresses, so watch this space for what we hope will be regular updates on Knoticat and the expansion (hopefully) !! of our volunteering team.


The Sports Forum for the Disabled continues its RYA affiliation


Tribute to Terry Mobley